
Clive Christian Luxury Bathroom Furniture

Bathroom Furniture

Victorian Honey Oak Master Bathroom with shelved entrance off dressing room, twin vanities with bathing enclosure

Clive Christian bathroom furniture in Victorian with reeded dresser pilasters
and tall reeded pilasters either side of bathing enclosure with twin vanities,
dressers; providing the utimate comfort and convenience.
And mirrored panelling in the bathing enclosure, this is a
space of relaxed opulence.

Victorian Bathroom with corbelled pilasters

Client Project:
This elegant Victorian furniture painted.
with tall corbelled pilasters and glass open shelved cabinetry surrounding the bathing enclosure with mirrored panels.

Archtectural Bathroom with No. 1 portrait wallpaper
Request a Brochure or would like to inquire for further information, please do not hesitate to contact the office below. 

213 Derby road, Bramcote, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG9 3JA.

TEL- 0115 939 9197